To book a lesson, call 07460 671942

Terms and conditions
Yes its the boring but important bit. This section sets out an agreement between pupil and instructor. By taking lessons with Move on Up driving school you are agreeing and stating that you understand the following..
The Instructor will at all times behave in a professional manner towards clients and will expect due courtesy from the pupil.
Clients will be treated with respect and consideration.
The Instructor will try to avoid physical contact with a client except in an emergency or in the normal course of greeting.
Dual controls are fitted to the vehicle but it may be necessary to take hold of the steering wheel for the pupils, instructors and public safety.
Whilst reserving the right to decide against giving tuition, the Instructor will not act in any way which contravenes legislation on discrimination.
Pupils will be refused a lesson if it is thought by the instructor that the pupil is under the influence of any alcohol, drugs (prescription or otherwise) or is in any state liable to place public or personal safety at risk. It is the pupils responsibility to wear or use the appropriate lenses/glasses for every lesson if required.
The Instructor will safeguard any money paid in advance by the client in respect of future driving lessons. Pupils can be refunded any monies for lessons not taken. No refunds will be made for any lessons already taken.
A charge of the planned lesson fee will be made payable to the instructor for less than 48hrs notice of a cancellation by the pupil.
Free theory test training is available via the instructors app while there is availability. Free theory test training will only be available to current pupils. Pupils having not had lessons within 2 weeks will have access to the theory practice part of the app removed.
Payment for lessons and courses must be made 48hrs in advance. Any payment made in advance for lessons or lesson vouchers will be non-refundable after 6 months, in the event of cancellation of the training.
The Instructor on the first lesson will provide clients with his legal identity and DVSA ADI badge.
The pupil will bring their licence for entitlement to drive the vehicle and be able to demonstrate his or her ability to read a number plate at the statutory distance on the first lesson. If glasses or contact lenses are required they must be used during all lessons and test.
The instructor will advise clients when to apply for their theory and practical tests, this will be agreed between pupil and instructor, taking account of local waiting times and predicted clients potential for achieving the driving test pass standard.
The instructor will not cancel or re-arrange a driving test without the pupils agreement.
The pupil will not book a driving test without the agreement of the instructor as the vehicle may not be available. In the event of the instructor’s decision to withhold the use of the school car for the driving test, sufficient notice should be given to the pupil to avoid loss of the DVSA fee. The instructor’s decision is final and no claim for compensation will be entertained if the client fails to act on the advice of the instructor.
If a test is cancelled by the DVSA for any reason a refund can be claimed by contacting the DVSA directly. Any lesson time used prior to this test will still be charged by the instructor as it is still lesson time.
The normal 2hr lesson price will be charged for the use of the instructors car during the driving test.